Short story, long....I bought a bag of "unmarked" Silver toned earrings from a shop because one pair had a lofty price tag stuck to them still (cheap reallly but Lofty for silver cutouts) they were still really cheap....Well I get to looking at them and see some are signed, and some have a little mark, that looks like an arrow head, and S, then the tailfeathers of the arrow at the end. Basically a "curved, squiggly arrow" if you will. I thought I HAD seen this symbol somewhere before, But I can seem to find it, or properly describe it :( OR figure out what the heck the round thing with the hole in the center is for haha...Oh and a Happy Thanksgiving to alll those on here who celebrate it!
Here are some pics of the items:
Tested Silver but I am not sure what this is??? I was told it was a pendant??? Let me know, because it looks like someone had a fun day snipping and shaping sheet silver haha.
Earrings, Pretty large, Same mark. Also tested Silver.
Really nice, bout 19-20 grams of silver
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