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HELP - Dutch Candlesticks Reticulated

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:44 pm
by samted25
Hi folks,

I have been trying to get a hold on these candlesticks now for a few weeks so thought I would attempt the group think and post here!

Only reference I can come to of a maker IVK is on some Dutch Colonial silver made in Batavia (today Indonesia), otherwise am stumped.

The markes read what looks like a script small "a", then initials "IVK", a crown mark, and a circle and line. the first and third marks are upside down as compared to the IVK mark.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated, perhaps these are not Dutch but they do have that feel in design. Many thanks to everyone for looking, and have to thank owners of this great site!



Re: HELP - Dutch Candlesticks Reticulated

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:07 am
by blakstone
These are the marks used in the Napoleonic Kingdom of Holland, 1807-1812. They are:

a = date letter, 7 Oct 1807-18 Mar 1809
crown = fineness, 11 penningen & 5 grein [.934]
oval with a pale (vertical bar) = city mark of Delft [All city marks of the time were vertical ovals, so yours is shown on its side; they were generally based on the civic arms]
IVK = maker’s mark of Johannes van Kuyk/Kuijk

The maker could be one of two men by the same name, father and son, the elder working 1781-1806, the younger 1806-1811. While the son’s dates fit the 1807-09 time frame, my reference says the son’s mark was in italics and the father’s in block letters as here; unfortunately neither mark is illustrated in Citroen.

Hope this helps!

Elias Voet, Jr., Nederlands Goud- & Zilvermerken, 7th ed. (‘s-Gravenhage: Martinius Nijhoff, 1974), pp. 42 (mark 1), 55 & 58 (mark 27).
Karel A. Citroen, Dutch Goldsmiths' and Silversmiths' Marks and Names prior to 1812 (Leiden: Primavera Press, 1993), p. 78.

Re: HELP - Dutch Candlesticks Reticulated

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:47 pm
by samted25
Wow! Thanks so much for that, I was under the impression they were Dutch but couldn't get the specifics, but at least my hunch was right! Thanks again for all your effort! Cheers!