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Buccellati ?? Help please

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:28 am
by dik
Good morning!

Please help to atribute this candelstick

It has a hallmark just on one detail, whitch can be seen on photo.
Is it normal? I can not find it on the candelstick itself. The detail is a as screw nut, can be easily unscrewed and fix candlestick to it base .

Hallmark is 15 MI.
CAN it be Buccellati????

THANKS a lot.


Re: Buccellati ?? Help please

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:51 am
by dognose

15 MI is the assigned number to Buccellati. See page 1 of Italian Silverware and Jewellery Manufacturers

However, as far as I'm aware, every item of their manufacturer is marked 'Mario Bucellati', or 'M. Buccelati'. If the marks shown are on a detachable piece, then perhaps further research is called for.
