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Neusohl spoons

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:58 am
by dolpheus
Hello, friends,

these spoons were made in former Austrian empire, in Hungarian (now Slovakian) city Banská Bystrica (Neusohl). Year is not clearly legible, it is 183? - seem to be 1833, but it not agree with makers working period. So, it can be 1839 (or i have not proper maker dates).
Maker is Alojz Herritz (Hritz, Hric) *2.8.1804, † 1862; active 1834-1845, Neusohls burgess from 10.3.1832. Simultaneously, he was a brewer and maltster.
What is mark "W" i don't know - i very welcome every additional info about this maker and especially about this mark "W".

Thanks and regards


Re: Neusohl spoons

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:48 am
by huszas76
The W is a yearletter. It was used around 1810 to 1867. But now i'm not next to my sources, end photos. As i remember, in my photos i have the yearletter V, end U, but i'm not remember, which years belong to. Later i can check it.
Best Regards!

Re: Neusohl spoons

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:01 pm
by huszas76
As i promised, i have checked my sources, and my photos. In the Kőszeghy (Kőszeghy Elemér: Magyarországi ötvösjegyek a középkortól 1867-ig/Merkzeichen der Goldschmiede Ungarns vom Mittelalter bis 1867) i have only found the mark, which was used in 1840. According to the book letter "V" belongs to this year.
I have found the same mark, that you have with "U" yearletter among my pictures. Since it was usual that the yearletter changed in the middle of the year, it's not extraordinary, that 2 characters appeared in the same year. The yearletters was used until around 1850. (the other date, that i wrote earlier, is my mistake.)
it's quite interesting, that sometimes you can find yearletters which don't fit in the row.

Aloisius Herritz learned the silversmith profession at Samuel Libay in Besztercebánya (Neusohl) from 1820 I. 16. to 1824. I. 24. Became a master in Besztercebánya in 1834, but some of his works are known with earlier date.
I hope i could help.

Best Regards!


Re: Neusohl spoons

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:02 am
by dolpheus
Many thanks, Krisztián, very interesting informations for me.
But, i am not sure i understand well : You thing, in my 13loth mark is year 1839 and to this year belong yearletter U (agree with your picture and with "V" for 1840), yes? So, in my case yearletters don't fit in the row, yes?
Do you have some explanation, why these marks sometime dont fit? It is possible (my speculation) that 13loth mark was used some years after its date? I thing, it is not uncommon. It is well known use of Wienna 1807 13 loth mark for years 1807, 1808, 1809 and 1810. I thing, in some other assay offices even longer, till 1812.
So, it is probable that my spoons were made second half 1841 or first half 1842, but dated are "1839" i am well?

One more many thanks and sorry for my english.

Re: Neusohl spoons

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:32 pm
by huszas76
Hello Martin,
I think, I have no solution.
Well, here is the list of known and published yearletters:


Besides these we have yearletters "U" with 1839, "W" with 1839, and 'V" with 1840. And also a "B" with 1842.
And as far as I know, they changed the marks every year.
So, I can't explain, how the yearletters followed each other. Maybe later, when i'm going to have an example for every yearletter, and mark! (a nice dream.. :) )

By the way.. I would like to ask you something! I'm collecting the pre-1867 hungarian items and their marks.
So If it's possible, could you send me a good, high resolution photo about the Herritz mark, please? I don't have this mark of the maker yet. If you don't mind, i 'll send You my e-mail adress in private!

Thank you very much!
Best Regards,

Re: Neusohl spoons

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:18 am
by dolpheus
Hallo, Krisztian,
of course, i send you Herritz mark, but it can take some time, so please, be patient. As soon as i have some time to make good photo, i sent it here.
And, if i can, i have also some questions to You - in my collection are not many Hungarian items, but some makers from Miskolcz, Györ and also Budapest i have not identified, so if You are so good, i send You also these marks.
Many thanks

Re: Neusohl spoons

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 2:04 pm
by huszas76
Hello Martin!
First of all, thank you for the Herritz mark, so I'll send you my email adress, and i I'll be patient certainly.
Secondly, If I can I'll answer all of your questions with great enthusiasm.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Best Regards!


Re: Neusohl spoons

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:00 pm
by dognose
Hi Martin and Krisztián,

Please remember that this forum is about sharing information. We all learn by reading the posts of others, that's what it's all about. So, please, if information is sought, share it here, on the forum, not in private.

Regards, Trev.