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Unknown German mark from 1930-1945 era

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:24 pm
by batmick
We have three sets of spoons with the D.R.G.M. mark. I believe that says "Deutsches Reich geschuetzte Marke" and puts them in the 1930-1945 era. Is that correct?
The maker's mark is an F in a circle (see pics). Does anybody know what this means? Frankfurt/Oder???

Thank you!


Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:46 am
by Bahner
Hello, that is Felisch & Kirchheim from Treptow/Rega, today Trzebiatow / Poland. DRGM means ''Deutsches Reichs Gebrauchs Muster'' which means 'registered pattern'. The company produced mainly undecorated, handwrought cutlery. It ceased production shortly before the end of WW II, the last owner fled to West Germany, where he died at the beginnig of the 1950ies. Your pieces could be earlier, around 1900. Best wishes, Bahner

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:23 pm
by batmick
Dear Bahner,

thank you for the information! I thought Deutsches Reich only covered the "dark years" but of course it was the Reich before then too.
The geographical region fits as our ancestors came from what is now Poland.