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Help identifying this older Asian Solid Silver Spoon

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:57 pm
by nancyjor
Hi. I'm hoping someone can give me some information regarding this spoon. I believe the marking is Japanese or Chinese but of course I am unsure and in need of help. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Help identifying this older Asian Solid Silver Spoon

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:37 pm
by davidross

The mark or engraving on the back of the bowl of the spoon contains no Chinese or Japanese characters. To the best of my knowledge, this "mark" is no form of writing but probably a stylized version of a castle inside the outline of a flower, which could be merely decorative.

I see no indication of origin or of silver content. My guess is that the spoon is from Korea.

Hopefully, someone familiar with this form will provide a more satisfactory answer.


David R