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Help to identify unkown coin silver spoon maker mark DIKEMAN

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:00 am
by kallstrom
I have one of these coin silver spoons as shown in pictures below but have been unable to determine the origins. It is marked DIKEMAN with 2 eagles a "D" and a cross of some sorts. What I could find on this was a possible aaron dikeman, but it doent match anything by him that I could find. Please let me know if you are unable to see photos. I was having a hard time.

Re: Help to identify unkown coin silver spoon maker mark DIK

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:21 pm
by silverly
Welcome to the forum. Here's the link to a post that may relate to your spoon: ... man#p34416

As in the previous, it appears Dikeman was the retailer. The pseudo marks most likely relate to the manufacturer of the spoon. I do not know whose marks they are. Good luck with your research.

Re: Help to identify unkown coin silver spoon maker mark DIK

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:31 pm
by silverly
Apparently, Edward B Dikeman took over from A Dikeman in 1867, so if the spoon is late enough it could be him too.

Re: Help to identify unkown coin silver spoon maker mark DIK

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:00 am
by silverly
Sorry make the year for Ed B Dikeman 1868 according to the History of Grand Rapids: With Biographical Sketches
By Charles Richard Tuttle which is available on google.

Re: Help to identify unkown coin silver spoon maker mark DIK

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:56 pm
by kallstrom
Thank you so much for your welcome, the information on here is wonderful! I had found the same page leading me to think it was Dikeman (except for it not being the basket of flowers) but I didn't know about the switchover so I will research that and post what I find! Also the spoon is engraved Emma I didn't realize you couldn't see in the picture it was one of three engraved with the same name the other two were by a different maker and I was able to find those. Thanks so much for your time and knowledge!