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Chinese silver frame and dish
Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:23 am
by EmmaW
Please help! I've looked through the Chinese marks you have on the site and can't find anything to match what I have. I'm regretting taking French at school instead of Mandarin...
(admin edit - only one item per topic - please start a new topic with your other item - see Posting Requirements )
Thank you!!!
Re: Chinese silver frame and dish
Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:38 pm
by davidross
It looks like a poorly struck or possibly damaged mark of YC. As far as I know this retailer has yet to be identified.
The Chinese character is the master's mark, which has appeared on an item made for the late 19th century Hong Kong retailer Kwong Man Shing.
See ... 38&t=24259
I am unsure what, if anything, can be extrapolated from identifying the maker's mark.
Hopefully someone else will be able to provide a more complete answer.
Re: Chinese silver frame and dish
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:55 am
by EmmaW
Thanks so much David. I really appreciate your help.
Re: Chinese silver frame and dish
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:55 am
by Adrien von Ferscht
The "chopmark" says Shang which is a common name.
There was a YC Co working in Tianjin [Tientsin] from 1890-1940.
Although their mark usually did say YC Co, I'd still say this is probably the same maker
It's a nice frame by the way and the style falls in with the period YC Co was working - I'd put this piece about 1895-1900