New Encyclopedia Section - The Silver Marks of Korea
Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:21 am
Dear Members,
As part of the ongoing expansion of the Encyclopedia, we are delighted to announce the addition of a new page of information:
The Silver Marks of Korea
Forum member davidross has generously given his time and expertise to prepare a document on a subject which has hitherto not been given the attention it merits. Our thanks to David for all of his work.
The information can be accessed via the above link or via the World Hallmarks Overview pages.
Regards to all,
The Admin Team
As part of the ongoing expansion of the Encyclopedia, we are delighted to announce the addition of a new page of information:
The Silver Marks of Korea
Forum member davidross has generously given his time and expertise to prepare a document on a subject which has hitherto not been given the attention it merits. Our thanks to David for all of his work.
The information can be accessed via the above link or via the World Hallmarks Overview pages.
Regards to all,
The Admin Team