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London 1814 maker TP

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:00 pm
by carlislepaul

A teaspoon London 1814/15 maker TP with journey mans mark. There is no pellet between letters, click thumbnail to enlarge photograph.
The small mark that appears between letters on enlarged photograph is a blemish.

Can anybody please confirm identity of this mark, I think it is Thomas P Prothero (Grimwade 2880) though Thomas Peacock (Grimwade 2878) is a possibility.



Re: London 1814 maker TP

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:02 pm
by dognose
Hi Paul,

Despite the lack of a pellet, I would go for Thomas Purver. The impressions in Grimwades do have to be read with some licence as they are ink impressions only and sometimes differ from those seen in the flesh. In the case of Grimwade's Purver mark, the pellet, if indeed that what it is, is off centre and lower than would be expected, in this case it may have been just an ink spot.

The 'TP' mark on your spoon is crisp, and as Purver, a known spoonmaker, registered the mark in October 1814 it ties in nicely as being struck with a new punch.

Here's another example of the same maker/journeyman mark combination.



Re: London 1814 maker TP

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:50 am
by carlislepaul

Thank you for the information.

