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Condiment Set Frame - Maker Identification
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:21 pm
by glassman36
From a review of the forum topics this seemed to be the best place to post our question.
We recently acquired a 3 pc condiment set which we attribute to the American Victorian era, in what we believed to be a Silverplated frame.
However. since cleaning and polishing the frame we discovered the marks shown in the attached picture and now believe the frame to be .900 Silver, but based on the hallmark stamped beside the .900 mark have no idea who might have made it.
A review of our American and English Silver references and those shown on the website were of no help in ID'ing a maker
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Condiment Set Frame - Maker Identification
Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:09 pm
by dognose
It would be good if someone else could confirm, but I think that is one of the marks used by Otto Wolter of Schwäbisch Gmünd.
Re: Condiment Set Frame - Maker Identification
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:32 pm
by glassman36
Trev, thanks for your reply, big help. I had searched the German marks but either missed the info or did not search far enough.
One more question. Do you have any idea as to the date of the holder?
We did some further checking in our Germans marks reference and it tells us Wolter started using a a crown and moon mark after 1888. Since our piece only carries the 900 silver and goblet mark this seems to indicate the holder dates prior to 1888. Also, based on style and function this is probably a Victorian era piece which would add credibility to a pre-1888 date.
Re: Condiment Set Frame - Maker Identification
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:38 pm
by AG2012
This ``style`` was very common at the end of 19th century and later on: obviously influenced by art nouveau (or Jugendstil in German version) with indiscriminately used former styles, roses being very popular. It’s well known pure ``new art`` design was not very popular with common buyers and silversmiths did their best to supply the market with this kind of mixed styles. In a word, this style could not have emerged before 1888 but very close to the end of the 19th century, or more probably in early 20th century.
Re: Condiment Set Frame - Maker Identification
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:02 pm
by glassman36
Thank you AG2012 for your input. Your information reinforces out original thoughts that this was probably an early 20th century piece dating to the period 1900-20. With your and Trev's help I think we can be satisfied that the item is German by Wolter, .900/1000 content and probably dates ca:1895-1920. Appreciate both your help.