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8" poppy flower tray, marked "NAC" Country? Age?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:33 pm
by Ag999
First timer here, a silver lover with a question. I bought this tray thinking it might be Chinese or SE Asian, but now not so sure. Perhaps European? Mid-East? I can't find anything from any country that resembles it.

It tests as solid (not plated) less-than-sterling, probably 70%. It has only one mark: "NAC". Some parts of the design are lightly gold washed. 8.25" diameter, 192 gms.

I don't recognize the edge designs, but they appear to have been partially machine stamped, then worked quite a bit by hand. The middle design, worked by hand, is a poppy flower (four-petalled flower with four inner dots near the center, jagged serrations on the distinctively shaped outer leaves, and the tendrils with the small bulb at the tip).

Any ideas where it was produced. By whom? And when?





(admin photo edit - images too large - link only - see Posting Requirements )

Re: 8" poppy flower tray, marked "NAC" Country? Age?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:34 pm
by Ag999
I don't see a way to revise my post so I will post new, smaller images, and hope they are small enough to stay up.





Re: 8" poppy flower tray, marked "NAC" Country? Age?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:04 pm
by davidross
Welcome to the Forum.

The tray looks Turkish to me. The style of the engraved flowers, repousse work, partial gilt, and three-letter maker's mark in alphabet all point in that direction. If it is Turkish, it probably dates to the mid-20th century. By searching this Forum and elsewhere, you can compare with other Turkish silver. This is only one opinion, of course, so please wait until others have weighed in before drawing any conclusions.

By the way, there are some good tips for cleaning partial gilt silver in this topic: ... 34&t=35707
