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Who is CD on Art Nouveau/Arts& Crafts Enamel Button Set?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:36 pm
by qtazza
Hello~~~I have a set of 6 of these lovely buttons. I would like to know who CD is. I am sorry but the hallmarks are SO tiny I couldn't show them very well. But the CD is very clear as you can see. The tiny marks are 1) the lion passant 2) Chester (I believe) 3)A (1901, I believe)



Your help is most appreciated. Joni

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 8:58 am
by vdeb

What gorgeous buttons! I don't have an answer for you, but have you checked the book <i>Jewelry and Metalwork in the Arts & Crafts Tradition</i> by Karlin? She lists many makers marks, especially of English and Scottish designers. It is available through many libraries--I just returned a copy so I couldn't look it up for you!

Wendy (vdeb)