Help with identifying a Spansih mark, thanks

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Help with identifying a Spansih mark, thanks

Post by kevalie »

It is a miniature figure and I couldn't read the writing, any information would be appreciated;



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Re: Help with identifying a Spansih mark, thanks

Post by Funkel »

Pedro Durán.
Pedro Duran Morales, nación en Santiago de Compostela en 1860 y estudia en la escuela de Artes y Oficios de esa capital, y trabaja como aprendiz en el taller de Eduardo Rey, llegando a ser un maestro en el cincelado; con 21 años se traslada a Madrid y trabaja para Meneses de la que llego a ser encargado de cincelado; viaja a París y a su regreso a Madrid en el año 1885 forma sociedad con Muñoz con taller en la c/ Alfonso XII, dejando dicha sociedad este último al año siguiente. Entre 1886 y 1898 se consolida en un nuevo taller en la c/ Santa Isabel y entra al servicio de la Casa Real. En el año 1905 adquiere la fabrica de cubiertos de Bernardino Lobón en Perciados trasladando su taller a esta calle. Falleció en 1938 sucediéndole sus hijos y llevando el negocio hasta nuestros días no solo como grandes plateros, sino que además diversifican el negocio a la joyería y a las subastas de arte.
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Re: Help with identifying a Spansih mark, thanks

Post by dognose »

A Google translation of Funkel's reply:

Pedro Duran.
Pedro Duran Morales, was born in Santiago de Compostela in 1860 and studied at the School of Arts and Crafts in that capital, and works as an apprentice in the workshop of Edward King, becoming a master in the chiseled; 21 he moved to Madrid and works to Meneses of which I became responsible for chiseled; travels to Paris and his return to Madrid in 1885 to form partnership with Muñoz workshop in the c / Alfonso XII, the latter leaving that company the following year. Between 1886 and 1898 consolidated in a new workshop at c / Santa Isabel and enters the service of the Royal House. In 1905 acquired the factory covered in Perciados Bernardino Lobón moving his studio to the street. He died in 1938 he succeeded his children and taking the business to this day not only as great silversmiths, but also diversify the business to jewelry and art auctions.

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Re: Help with identifying a Spansih mark, thanks

Post by Funkel »

Sorry, I forgot the translation
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Re: Help with identifying a Spansih mark, thanks

Post by kevalie »

Thanks for the help guys, appreciate it.
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