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Sugar Bowl (Hanau?) Hallmarks Identification

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:05 am
by Jasmarais

I received this sugar bowl from my grand parents.
After spending some time on 925-1000 I am still confused about the hallmarks on the bottom (unfortunately they are a bit fuzzy, especially the first one (lion's head) and the fourth (unrecognizable). The second is a crowned F, the third a crowned R).
Could it be that this marks are from Hanau?

Many thanks for your help and please excuse my poor English.

Re: Sugar Bowl (Hanau?) Hallmarks Identification

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:59 am
by dognose
Hi Jasmarais,

Welcome to the Forum.

Your English is excellent.

Try embedding the images as many people will not click on links.


Sugar Bowl (Hanau?) Hallmarks Identification#2

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:45 pm
by Jasmarais
Thank you for the tip Trev.
I am trying it again with some embedded images.

Does anybody know this hallmarks? Or has someone an idea where they come from?
Many thanks for your help.