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Napkin ring Roberts & Dore London?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 7:42 am
by MartinYirrell
I recently found this napkin ring in a shop. The makers stamp appears to be Roberts & Dore but I understood they were a Birmingham silversmith and the hallmark is London. The datestamp is a bit odd & I've not been able to decide if it is 1820 or 1900. The area to the right of the datestamp shows some indication of repair.

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Re: Napkin ring Roberts & Dore London?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:49 am
by silvermakersmarks
Yes, this is Roberts & Dore, but they were actually a London company, being based in Hatton Garden, London. Your confusion may have arisen because they also registered a mark at the Birmingham Assay Office (and at Sheffield and Edinburgh too). The date letter "e" in your picture is 1960 which explains why you could not match it with either the 1820 or 1900 "e".


Re: Napkin ring Roberts & Dore London?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:32 pm
by MartinYirrell

Thank you for your great reply. It must have lived a very hard life since 1960 judging by the wear.
