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Marrow spoon maker

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:19 pm
by rhodrit
Hi all,
Wondering if anyone could help identify maker of this marrow spoon. The nearest I can find is Thomas Allen, any opinions?


It is quite unusual In length short at 18cm
Love to hear any ideas

Re: Marrow spoon maker

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 1:05 pm
by Granmaa
Thomas Allen looks like a good fit to me. Do you think it has been converted from an ordinary table spoon?


Re: Marrow spoon maker

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 8:01 pm
by rhodrit
Hi Miles, thanks for your response. I have compared the mark since the original post, side by side with another Allen item (a trefid) and the mark seems to match perfectly. The scoop shows no signs of being converted from another spoon as far as I can tell, it all seems perfectly formed. Like other marrow scoops I have seen there is no sign of a drop from stem to bowl but if there is any other signs of a conversion to look for I will happily check. To me it looks like it was made as it is now. I have read that early marrow scoops/spoons were of smaller size. Do you have any idea when the first marrow scoops as opposed to marrow spoons started to appear?
Thanks again for your reply,