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Chatelaine needlepoint purse

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:04 pm
by bvmoal
I have been unable to decipher or locate the source of the monogram and mark on the frame of this needlepoint chatelaine purse. The reverse side of the frame has a crowned monogram (JRL? RL?); the initials J J are etched on either side of the clasp and the date 1776 below. The mark appears to be an upside down flower with three blooms. Can anyone help? It's probably either German or Dutch; the mark could be a Hanau pseudo mark.


Re: Chatelaine needlepoint purse

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:06 pm
by oel
Hi welcome to the forum,

Cherries(three)& branch, the maker's mark of the Frisian master- smith; Jan Anthonie Karsten, registered in the city of Leeuwarden from 1766-1787. It is not unusual to see Frisian silver lacking guild/assay marks. The pin dot inscriptions are most likely the initials of one of the previous owners.



Gratitude; Jan Schipper Zilverstudie

Re: Chatelaine needlepoint purse

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:11 pm
by bvmoal
Thank you!

Re: Chatelaine needlepoint purse

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:36 am
by AG2012
Just a benevolent remark; take care when offered almost 250 years old needlepoint or any fabric in nearly mint condition as seen here. Textiles deteriorate over time due to a variety of causes. General wear and tear, damage by light, damp and pollution all take their toll.

Re: Chatelaine needlepoint purse

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:46 pm
by bvmoal
Thank you both for your interest and advice. I work in a museum and this purse was a gift. We were told the needlepoint was later than the frame - but I certainly thank you for the warning. I am delighted with the care given by forum participants. Trying to follow up on the mark but have been unable to locate Jan Anthonie Karsten. Is he referred to in the Schipper book? In Voet? Can you help with the monogram?

Re: Chatelaine needlepoint purse

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 1:36 pm
by oel
Hi, Jan Anthonie Karsten mentioned in: Karel A. Citroen, Dutch Goldsmiths' and Silversmiths' Marks and Names prior to 1812 and I believe in; Elias Voet Jr and Voet Sr; Merken van Friese goud- en zilversmeden and;, the site of Jan Schipper but you need to be a member see:

