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Help With Repousse Silver Figure- Austo-Hungarian, German, ?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:55 pm
by garybnyc
City Mark: Image

Makers Mark: Image

Entire Piece: Image

I think that this is early 18th Century.
If German- Maker's mark looks either like a combination of the Hamburg City Mark and Magdeburg City Mark.
If Austro-Hungarian-looks like Sopron/Odenburg City mark.
Either way, after much research, cannot find exact match.
Thank you in advance for your help!

Re: Help With Repousse Silver Figure- Austo-Hungarian, Germa

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 12:40 pm
by huszas76
Welcome to the forum!
I'm pretty sure, that your item is not from Sopron.
Hallmark of Sopron is based on the coat of arms of the city.
In the coat of arms, and in the hallmarks of Sopron doesn't stand any man figure at the wall, only the 3 towers we can see.
The oldest example I have is from around 1780. I think, you can see the obvious differents!
The best source about this topic is on the same opinion, all the marks it shows only the walls and the towers without any man figure.
(Kőszeghy Elemér: Magyarországi ötvösjegyek a középkortól 1867-ig/Markzeichen der Goldschmiede Ungarns vom Mittelalter bis 1867)
I hope, this helped a little.
Best regards!

Re: Help With Repousse Silver Figure- Austo-Hungarian, Germa

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:22 pm
by garybnyc
Thank you very much for your help. I have been thinking the same thing all along, just wanted to be sure it was not Sopron.
The person/book that you cited- where can I access that? Is it only available in Hungarian?

The question remains- where is this mark from?

Just thinking outside of the box here, but in the Hanau tradition- did artists ever combine City Marks?

Re: Help With Repousse Silver Figure- Austo-Hungarian, Germa

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:42 pm
by Theoderich
Egid Hablitschek ca-1753-1782

Re: Help With Repousse Silver Figure- Austo-Hungarian, Germa

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:45 pm
by garybnyc
Thank you very much, Theo.