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unknown Duch mark and object

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:30 pm
by R ingo
I would be glad, if someone can give me some informations about the marks and the correct function of this slotted spoon (20 cm long 86 Gramm weight).

Kind regards and een gelukkig kersttijd,

Re: unknown Duch mark and object

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:56 pm
by oel
Hi Ringo,

Sugar casting spoon; the bowl with pierced work(Durchbruchsarbeit), to cast /sprinkle sugar over pancakes/small fluffy pancakes (poffertjes)/bread or other food items.

From left to right; the maker’s mark is GG for: Gerit Regtdoorzee Greup, registered in the city of Schoonhoven from 1864/1915( used 4 different maker's marks), Lion Passant above 2, standard mark for large and medium work, 833/1000 fineness used 1814-1953, The Minerva head or Assay office mark with the regional assay office letter M for the city of Schoonhoven, followed by the date letter C for 1912. Unti 1931 the assayers were personally liable for mistakes in the result of their work. Until 1931 date letters were considered to be their responsibility marks. When in the course of a year the assayer of a certain office was succeeded by another one, as a consequence the date letters of that office were provided with a distinguishing mark. Usually it was a dot, but commas, crosses and stars also occurred. There are a few date letters bearing two dots; the result of two changes of assayer within a single year.
For more information about Dutch (hall)marks and date letters see;

Best wishes, und Fröhliche Weihnachten


Re: unknown Duch mark and object

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 7:11 am
by R ingo
Hello Oel,

I thank you very much. I have never heard about this distinguishing markin system with dots, commas etc. That is very interesting.

I just wonder about the dimensions of this dutch sugar casting spoon. The german pieces I know are weigh about 3-4 times less than this spoon.

Best wishes, Ringo

Re: unknown Duch mark and object

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:59 pm
by oel
Hi Ringo,

Your right to have some doubts, the spoon is stronger and more solid and 2nd thought; a silver wet fruit serving spoon.


Re: unknown Duch mark and object

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:27 pm
by R ingo
Hi Oel,
I thank you for your information.

Best wishes, Ringo