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New help with mark!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:11 am

Thank you!!!

I have no idea....


(admin photo edit - remember to use the Preview feature)

Re: New help with mark!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:08 pm
by silverly
Welcome to the forum. It looks like the Campfire Girls jewelry and etc trademark. Take a look here: ... ire#p78883

Re: New help with mark!

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 2:12 pm
Thank you! I ended up finding the information, as yes you are correct...


Thanks so much for your response.


Re: New help with mark!

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 2:19 pm
by dognose
Hi Beth,

Welcome to the Forum.

I've embedded your image as few people will click on links.


Re: New help with mark!

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:03 pm
by dognose
................To Become a Wood-Gatherer. A member must fulfill the following six requirements:
I. Be a member of a Camp Fire for at least two months. 2. Attend at least six weekly meetings and two ceremonial meetings.
3. Select a name and symbol.
4. Make her headband.
5. Have the ceremonial dress.
6. Win in addition at least ten honors. These may be either from the required or elective list.
Upon meeting these requirements, a girl becomes a Wood Gatherer and receives the Wood Gatherer's Ring, as a token of her membership in the Camp Fire Girls. This ring is given without cost. It represents the seven points of the law in seven fagots bound together and Work, Health and Love, in three raised circles on either side of the fagots. The rings are given to the Camp Fire in care of the Guardian. They are to be retained by the girls only as long as active membership is maintained. Lost rings may be replaced upon application by the Guardian for fifty cents each. As soon as a girl has completed 'the requirements for a Wood Gatherer, record of her membership is filed in the National office.

Source: The Book of the Camp Fire Girls - 1913

Camp Fire Outfitting Co. - New York - 1922
