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1717 set of casters crest

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:14 am
by steve7408

Would anyone recognise the crest on this caster, Lions/Bears gamb erased holding two Ostrich plumes, the torse is usually a twisted cloth I think, this looks like a ermine decoration, of course I await to be shot down here.
Any information would be gratefully received, I have found other crests that are very similar but holding a minimum of 3 plumes even up to 6?




Re: 1717 set of casters crest

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:48 pm
by dognose
Hi Steve,

Is this an English piece? If so, what town was it assayed at?


Re: 1717 set of casters crest

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:19 pm
by steve7408
Hi Trev,

These are English, made in London in 1717 by Thomas Langford I.
Although I did buy them from America, so it's possible that they could be of an American crest? To be fair, I have checked this line of enquiry as much as I can without any joy.

Hoping someone may recognise them

