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Rectangle tray 970 sterling semicircle or c help identify

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:10 pm
by tarzanzgrl
This rectangle tray is huge and heavy. The only marks state "Sterling 970" with a semicircle Mark and what looks like an arrow or cross marking inside of it. Any identification is appreciated. My great grandparents probably purchased this in Japan (maybe around 1940-1950) and it was packed with an Art Deco style coffee and tea service set marked K.Uyeda 950 sterling.


Re: Rectangle tray 970 sterling semicircle or c help identify

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:33 pm
by davidross
If this tray is Japanese, it would definitely be postwar, probably made during the Occupation (1945-1952).

The marks are not very clear in the posted photos. A cropped, sharper close-up of the marks would be helpful, but perhaps not conclusive, as a number of small retailers were active during the Occupation and many of their marks remain unidentified.
