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1821 Austria-Brno-unknown purpose item

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 4:23 pm
by dolpheus
Hello, friends.
This is a nice example of Moravian silver (Austrian empire) from city Brno (Brünn). Made by famous Brünner maker Carl Lackstampfer (if senior or iunior is unclear) in year 1821.
My question is simple: what is it? i have never before seen spoon/ladle similar to this.
If somebody know original use, or somebody has (seen) similar item, please, help.

(foto with other items-large/small ladle/spoon/tea spoon is here for item' s size imagination)

many thanks for Your interest

Martin, Brno (Brünn)
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Re: 1821 Austria-Brno-unknown purpose item

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:07 pm
by Aguest
I have a very similar spoon that is English, and it was described as a Jelly spoon or Jam spoon, and it seems like a good guess. A very thick Jam, kind of like Jello, would be scooped up by the spoon and served if necessary. You can tell it would not be very comfortable to put that spoon in your mouth because of the right angles and edges in the bowl, right? So I think the best guess is a Jelly or Jam spoon, and it would be used for serving Jelly/Jam and spreading Jelly/Jam on toast. In a sense, it is a very small serving spoon. That is the most I can offer help with.