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19th Century French

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:49 pm
by wiley
Hi Gang,

Curious if anyone has any info on Antoine Cosson and Corby?? I've acquired a piece and found another one on eBay where the seller talks a bit about it being for French Aristocracy but I can't find any info on the makers other then that. It also has an interesting monogram that are embossed on other pieces from different makers.


Thank you!

(admin edit - only one item per topic - see Posting Requirements )

Re: 19th Century French

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:55 am
by Zilver2
Good morning,

Maker's mark of Antoine Cosson, 13 Pont Neuf, Paris.
41 quai de l'Horloge, Paris.
N° de garantie : 7820; 7822
N° de préfecture : 8074; 8076
Sumbol : three feathers over a star (trois plumes, une étoile au-dessous)
Active : 1867-1879
