Welcome to the Forum.
Images are required. Questions about (hall)marks and makers marks cannot be answered without the required images. The below should help you:
How to Add Images
Posting Requirements
http://www.postimg.com is recommended. Embedded images get a far greater response than just posting links.
Remember to use the 'Preview' button before submitting your post.
This is how you could do it. Use a good digital camera with macro function and daylight only, no flash.
You make the required photos and store those at a photo hosting site. The photo host will ask you if you like to keep original size or like to re-size; re-size to 640x480 (medium) and upload the image(s). After you have uploaded your re-sized image, you can choose what kind of link you like to provide to enable others to view your image. You have four choices; Direct, Forum, Alt Forum and HTML; choose Forum and copy the link. Now you can paste the image-link in your 925-1000 new topic text, please use the preview button, to check quality of the image before posting.
For photo/image hosting you could choose ImageShack not free of charge but Ad free:
but there are many other free hosting sites
I prefer a reliable image host because I do not like to lose my images. We request people not to remove their images and keep those images as long as possible for their own benefit and to benefit others. Most topics with missing images are almost worthless. See:
http://www.925-1000.com/forum/viewtopic ... 46&t=39786
Good luck and we hope to see some of your images.