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Hallmark (help)

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:17 am
by Falco
First of all, I apologize for my problems in English language.

I have a silver buckle of shoe dating known XVIIIeme century, on whom I do not manage to identify the awl of master.

I identified the awl of load(responsibility) as being used used from October, 1768 till November, 1774.
The awl of jurande (guarantee), one G crowned used by de Juillet 1770 in July, 1771.
Here is the awl of master that raises me problem.
Can you help me please?

Re: Hallmark (help)

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:21 am
by dognose
Hi Falco,

Welcome to the Forum.

Can you also post an image of the whole item?


Re: Hallmark (help)

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:56 am
by Falco
Hi Dognose,

Yes of course.



Re: Hallmark (help)

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:24 am
by Falco

No one finds information about this hallmark ?

Re: Hallmark (help)

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:49 am
by dognose

Patience is a virtue. You must remember that many members are only occasional visitors to the website and you may have to wait for an answer.


Re: Hallmark (help)

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:15 am
by Falco
Ok, Thank you.