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Shapes of the flatware through the time

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 11:53 am
by amena
cutlery were undoubtedly the most common silver object.
However, I'm looking in vain for a book or a website where to find pictures and descriptions about the evolution of the shapes of cutlery through the time.
Can anyone recommend me a book or a website?
Thank you in advance

Re: Shapes of the flatware through the time

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:10 pm
by agphile
Hello Amena

There are several books that are useful for British silver but I only know one covering European spoons as a whole that I think worth recommending: "European Spoons before 1700 " by John Emery. It is out of print so you would need to look for second hand copies and, as you see, it stops at 1700..

For British silver "Silver Flatware,English Irish and Scottish 1660-1980" by Ian Pickford is pretty much a standard reference book. There are other good but expensive books on earlier British flatware. It might be worth mentioning two budget paperbacks by Simon Moore: "Spoons 1650-2000" and "Table Knives and Forks". However, these books will be little or no help when trying to date pieces from continental Europe. There are too many differences in national and regional fashions.

Sorry if this is not much help.


Re: Shapes of the flatware through the time

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:10 am
by amena
Thanks David for the help
I tried in Italian libraries but unfortunately I did not find anything.
I will continue to try.

Re: Shapes of the flatware through the time

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:06 am
by amena
I finally found on Abebook a beautiful book on cutlery.
It is Historische Bestecke by Jochen Amme. The book consists of 660 pages of which more than 500 illustrated. It is written in German with English translation.
I would definitely recommend it.