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Hallmark on compass
Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 1:03 pm
by metric6
I was looking around for information on a compass fob necklace that I recently purchased online for my girlfriend. The item is in transit,
but I was curious and began to research a little from the pics that were on the site i purchased from. Based on the hallmarks I was thinking that my piece was from 1883 (the letter i) in Birmingham england (anchor) . The HP was maybe Horatio Powell or Henry Pope? I found it a little weird that the 'H.P' was marked with depth and not raised out of a recess like I commonly see online. Any info/help is greatly appreciated. Image is below (but upside down) Thanks!
Re: Hallmark on compass
Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:17 am
by metric6
better picture
Re: Hallmark on compass
Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:34 pm
by silvermakersmarks
The date letter looks to me more like the "f" for 1880. Unfortunately I am unable to put a name to the initials H.P.
Incuse or incised makers' marks were not uncommon although as you mention we more often see the cameo style of mark. I assume that a punch for the incuse mark would be cheaper to produce and perhaps potentially cause less damage to the item being stamped.
Re: Hallmark on compass
Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:07 pm
by dognose
Welcome to the Forum.
Many makers registered incuse punches as well as the more conventional cameo type, especially those who worked on small items.
I don't possess a comprehensive listing of those who registered with the Birmingham Assay Office, but a similar mark to yours was registered with the London Assay Office by Henry Perkins, who was by trade a silver mounter, just the type to have made items like your piece. As to whether he was also registered at Birmingham, I am not aware, but I note that he was registered with the Chester Assay Office also.
Offering the above as a possibility only, but certainly a name worthy of more research.
Perkins address at this time was 59, High Street, Bloomsbury, London.
Re: Hallmark on compass
Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:37 pm
by metric6
This is all great info so far, thanks!
It might be kind of cool to have someone figure all this out. Any place to look for reputable people by region?
Re: Hallmark on compass
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 1:47 pm
by metric6
Finally received the compass in the mail. It is actually a 'W.P', so now I am trying to find out who it could have been.
Re: Hallmark on compass
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 4:54 pm
by silvermakersmarks
That is the mark of William Parton, this particular mark having been registered in March 1882 so the date is probably 1883 as you first thought. Parton is listed in an 1875 Trades Directory as a manufacturing jeweller at 54 Tenby Street North, Birmingham.
Re: Hallmark on compass
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 4:57 pm
by metric6
Wow, awesome find. thanks!