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Silver compact, country unknown, Central Europe?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:51 am
by meganicka
Hello all,

I am new to the forum and glad to have found this resource. I recently purchased the silver compact pictured here, and am hoping you guys may be able to help me learn more about it. It was purchased in Prague. The antique dealer suggested it was from the early 20th century and was Central European. You can see in the picture that it has a mark that appears to read M.V or else perhaps A.W, along with 835 and another small triangular mark that lacks detail. It is marked both front and back, but on the front the mark is unfortunately directly on the clasp and so is quite worn. I have searched the forums and looked through the various guides here, but I haven't found anything that matches. While it would make the most sense that it would be Central European, I am sure it could be from elsewhere in Europe and have found its way to Prague. I appreciate any help you might be able to provide.



Re: Silver compact, country unknown, Central Europe?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 6:30 am
by dolpheus
Photo is too small (i need see marks detail), but it is surely Czechoslovakia (1929-1941) or Böhmen und Mähren protectorate (1941-1949). Essential is detail of triangle mark. If inside is slovakian cross (e.g. ... 20znak.jpg) with number, it is second czechoslovak hallmark 29-41. If inside is only central number on chessboard, it is protectorate 41-49.
This design is very common for czechoslovak powder box and snuff box from second quarter 20.century.
Maker mark i can not read, if you send better photo, i can find my sources (without guarantee)

Re: Silver compact, country unknown, Central Europe?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:08 am
by meganicka
Thank you so much for your response. I am posting a closer picture. It is extremely hard to see anything in either of the triangular marks, but knowing that I am looking for a cross it seems like it might be the Slovak cross. The detail there is really poorly defined though, and the triangle itself is tiny, so even new the mark might not have been very clear. I am posting a closer picture of the more clearly defined of the two marks. Thank you so much in advance for your help.


Re: Silver compact, country unknown, Central Europe?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:47 pm
by dolpheus
Sorry, but this maker i have not identified till now. "Dana Morávková: Encyklopedie českého zlatnictví, stříbrnictví a klenotnictví, 2003" don't mention mark M.V and also maker M.V. from this time she don't mention.
But "M.V" is, according to my experiences, very common maker - you can see M.V items i have find in my collection. All these items are marked with second Czechoslovak hallmark (Slovak cross in triangle) except knives and forks set, these are somewhat older, marked first Czechoslovak mark for small items (dog's head). I don't remember i have seen M.V mark with Austro-Hungarian marks (but this guarantee nothing, of course).
(Excuse image quality, i make foto somewhat hurry)


Re: Silver compact, country unknown, Central Europe?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:57 pm
by dolpheus
Apropos, the small centerpiece somewhat remember me Josef Hoffmann's work-possibly M.V was inspired by him? Or i have too great imagination, because all other M.V work i have seen is ordinar utility silver, nothing especially interesting.

Re: Silver compact, country unknown, Central Europe?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 7:40 am
by meganicka
Thank you so much for all of your information. I am so curious now to figure out who this maker is. On mine I thought the initials could even have been A.W., but looking at your pics it looks like it is definitely M.V. Maybe somebody else will be able to give us some information. I love the piece, which is the main thing, but glad to know a bit more, and hoping I can find even more. Thanks a lot for your help.