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unknown cross-mark from early 19th. century

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:35 am
by R ingo
Hello and Merry Christmas,

some weeks I tried to find the origin of this spoon, but without success.
There are some indications, that makes me believe, that the origin is probably in Northern Germany. For instance the pointed name "Grandt" was and still ist there very often (but from about 1800 I found also examples from Denmark and Switzerland).

I would be glad, if someone has an idea.

Best regards, Ringo


Re: unknown cross-mark from early 19th. century

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:49 am
by Hose_dk
I assume that you have found him born 1821 - his son was born 1821

Re: unknown cross-mark from early 19th. century

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:56 am
by R ingo
Hello Hose,

I thank you for your investigation. I know this persons and and 3 other people with this name from Schleswig-Holstein from the time about 1800.
But up to now I did not found the right city and maker.

Thanks and kind regards,