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Vienna hunting whip, maker ``JC``?
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:47 am
by AG2012
Hunting whip,dog head and collar on a malacca cane, hand-grip covered with brown croco leather.
Small items ``dog head`` Austria-Hungary mark, 1867- 1922 (.800). Additional letter ``A`` mark in a rectangle.Maker ``
JC``, unknown to me.
Monogrammed Adelskrone (lower nobility – Laubkrone).
(Not for use on the horse, the "hook" at the end was used for opening and shutting gates without dismounting. Long leather thong kept hounds from coming near the horse's legs and getting kicked).
Thanks for helping with ``
Re: Vienna hunting whip, maker ``JC``?
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:37 am
by wolfgang
Wiener Amtszeichen "A" means Vienna, so its Cernowicky (Czernowicky), Johann
Bgl. Juwelier / Gewerbsverleihung 1867 / VII, Neubaugasse 17 (1877-1887) / VI, Damböckgasse 6 (1887) / Damböckgasse 10 (1888-1903)
Hallmark Vienna 1872-1922
Re: Vienna hunting whip, maker ``JC``?
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:54 am
by AG2012
Thank you very much for helping.When moving I lost most of my reference books and have no intention to start collecting books again. Letter A in the front of``dogs head`` is desperately small with thick patina,but fortunately there was capital letter A in a rectangle, far right in the picture, so I knew it was Wien.Cannot clean it properly because of croco hand-grip. On the other hand,if not over-cleaned the relief of dog`s head is better seen.
(The thong and the cracker are new,fortunately managed to find them in UK).
Thanks again,very kind of you