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Help with Marker and City marks on 17th century brandy bowl

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:50 pm
by dsa
At the end of my capacity for deciphering these marks. Marks are on a Brandy bowl. Side bears 1670s date.
So I'm guessing that this is 17th (and guessing that it is Dutch not German).
Any help would be appreciated!


Re: Help with Marker and City marks on 17th century brandy bowl

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 2:46 pm
by oel
Hi DSA, welcome to the forum.
In appearance, Dutch 17th century silver brandy bowl; lobed oval and on spreading foot, with two scroll handles with dragon heads or sea horses.
My first thought made in Groningen however the year letter is not correct for Groningen.
For more information about Dutch guild marks, including Groningen see:

The maker's mark could by HA conjoined and the 1st (double)mark could be an E(?) or crown(?) with a X and it could be for Emden (Embda, Emda, Embden) in Germany

Emden is a town and seaport in Lower Saxony in the northwest of Germany, on the river Ems. It is the main town of the region of East Frisia
In the year 1595 Emden Revolution;
Emden became a "satellite" of the Netherlands and de facto a free imperial city. The city was proud of this status, and henceforth signed all its official publications with S.P.Q.E. ("Senate and People of Emden"), after the Roman model. The city and the Reformed southwestern part of East Frisia built close ties with the Calvinist church in the Netherlands. During the 17th century, Dutch was the language of choice of the leading citizens of Emden.

I will check it out and let you know.



Re: Help with Marker and City marks on 17th century brandy bowl

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:48 pm
by oel

We have all answers for you including the name of the possible maker but we like a clear enhanced image of all the marks, made with a good digital camera, normal daylight no flash. Could you be so kind to provide us with those images. Thanks.


Re: Help with Marker and City marks on 17th century brandy bowl

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:38 am
by oel
Brandy bowl Emden 17th century
Maker’s mark HA conjoined for Hans Arntzen (Aerssen,Aertzen) born 1646 and master 1669 – 1705 ( or later?) (Scheffler Nr.121)
Year letter Emden, X for 1673

Gratitude: Theoderich & Ringo und Horst Arians