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Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:57 am
by LKmiller
Sorry the picture of this stamp isn't great but can anyone tell me where this .835 with 3 initials (K. - E.) Or (R. - E.) was made. I think it's American, could be wrong about that. It was produced between 1920's -50's . It's 6 x .50 cm & 61 gm total weight.
On the inside of the case, near the hinge is Initialed L S or S L the initials seem to be stamped separately. Sorry, not able to include that picture. But, can attach picture if anyone needs more info.

Any ideas are helpful.
Re: Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:20 pm
by dognose
Hi Lynne,
Can you capture and post a large close-up of the maker's mark?
Re: Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:29 pm
by LKmiller
Hi Trev,
Will this do.
Re: Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:46 pm
by oel
Please use the preview button before submit
Re: Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 3:08 am
by AG2012
I tried to embed your image with full image code (brackets were missing when image code was copied) but your image is too wide.
Please, re-size it and copy full image code for forums.
Use preview button as suggested. If this message appears``Your images may only be up to 1000 pixels wide`` the image has not been re-sized to fit.
It may look complicated, but believe me, it`s not.
Good luck.
Re: Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:14 am
by SteveDWollongong
Hi Lynne,
I also attempted to embed your photo and when I found it too large, copied the URL into my browser to look at the photo. Unfortunately I don't think this photo is still close enough. Could you please take a new photo using the macro setting on your camera and preferably through a loupe or magnifying glass.
Remember when you upload to Tinypics to choose the re-size to 640x480 (medium) option and copy the Forum link. Oh and always use the Preview button before submitting. If you can't see it, neither can we.
Re: Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:19 am
by Dendriet
This is the best I can get out.
Perhaps as proposed with a new picture, a better perspective?

Re: Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:03 am
by Dendriet
KW.IN.A ??
Re: Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:43 pm
by LKmiller
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the help. Especially about Resizing the picture before copying it on to the site. Using a magnifying glass was a good idea but it didn't focus very well. Does anyone have any other ideas!!!
I realize the marks are crooked, half off the rim, and close to the hinge when it was stamped.
Anyway,.....Thanks for all your help.
Here are two more pictures.
One shows the E at the end of the marks very clearly
The second one shows the R after the 835 is in cursive script.

I took these pictures off my iPad.
Good Luck,
Re: Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:10 pm
by LKmiller
Hi everyone,
Hope this is a better image of the compact marked 835
I think It reads; 835 S T
I know it's not from Austria, Scandinavian countries or Dutch!
But I have read that the swedish designs were popular in the 1930's when this was made.I have seen another compact like this one but marked 830S, which is scandinavian mark.
Is it possible that it's from Czechoslovakian!!
Thanks for all your help.
Re: Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:26 am
by dolpheus
i don't thing it is Czechoslovakian. Purity 835 is not common for czechoslovak silver. This purity was official after 1929, but there must be adittional official hallmark (triangle 1929-41,41-49, other form later). Also, CS compacts are marked on all parts.
Regards M.
Re: Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:42 pm
by LKmiller
Hi everyone,
I've changed my mind again!!! The Mark looks like 835 S F (in a Savoye LET font)
Could it be still be Czech with these other marks near the hinge in the powder well with a stamped 5 7 or if you turn it upside down L S ?
Anyway here is a picture of those marks.
I think it was made in the late 1920's as the design on the lid is Swedish or Danish Modern. Also Birk's,a Canadian high end jewellery company, made a sterling compact in the 1920's with a similar design on the lid.
My compact is small, slim at 6.0 cm x .75 mm and very light at 46 grams (including mirror).
Anyway thank everyone for their help.
Re: Ladies compact 835 with 3 initials K-E or R-E American silver???
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:06 pm
by LKmiller
Hi everyone,
Just to let you know I finally found the maker/wholesaler of this lovely compact is marked 835 S JF it is: Johann Franz Jr. Silberwarenfabrik, Schwäbisch Gmünd (in business from 1892 to 1988) and is German silver.
After looking at the marks again and finally getting a better picture I discovered the marks maybe 835 S JF (JF intertwined)

Not 835 K-E or 835 R-E as I thought earlier....
I posted my new information in the German Silver Forum.
Is this a 835 SJF german silver by Johann Franz Jr. of Germany?
The reply from silverfan confirmed my suspicion
"yes, it is Johann FRANZ jun., Schwäbisch Gmünd.
Regards silverfan"
I would like to thank everyone who tried to find the maker of my beautiful silver compact...Anyway perseverance does pay off!!!
Happy New Year to all,