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Markings on Egyptian Teapot

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:47 pm
by SteveH
These markings are at the bottom of a teapot purchased in Egypt about 10-15 years ago. As I understand it, it was purchased as a souvenir. It's definitely not sterling and is probably silver plate. At the very least, it is metal and silver colored. I don't expect these markings to mean much of anything so it's simply curiosity on my part. Thanks.


Re: Markings on Egyptian Teapot

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 10:55 am
by MG
I can't make it all out but the word on the bottom right says Fes and I suspect that the teapot is of a type that is made in large numbers in Fes, Morocco. You are right I think they tend to be a base metal, perhaps thinly silvered.
thank you