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Groth and Kolling marked Danish silver spoon

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 3:44 pm
by Essexboy Fisher
Hello, I just got round to finally catalogue a Danish silver spoon I bought some time ago. Easy I thought, just go to the 925-1000 wed site and look it up. 3 towers mark and smudged date mark. Possibly 1881? Small entwined letter mark for the assay master and written makers mark. All so easy with some pictures below.
The conjoined letters appear to be “S” and “G” the initials of the 1863 –1904 master “Simon Groth”. There are some slight differences to the “Groth” mark that is illustrated on the site but is it a fair assumption that over 41 years of activity his” punch” may have needed remaking to overcome wear? The “G Kolling” the likely makers mark for the spoon. The site has an unillustrated reference to a ” G.Kolling” makers mark belonging to a “G.B.Kolling" silversmith working in Ronne on the Danish Baltic island of Bornholm. The time period is quoted as 1893-1948 for the “G.B.Kolling”, a full 51 years. Using the dates for the maker and the master suggest my 1881 date for the spoon is wrong. Even an 1891 date appears wrong so there are some queries that come with the spoon particularly as there is also at the back of the spoon’s finial a pair of initials and a clear 1891 engraving.
“Groth” as an assay master should be well documented but this may not be the case for the maker. Was this “G. Kolling” a family concern with a “G” and a “G.B” father and son? Is there some more information from forum members? It seems implied from the 925-1000 web site that there may be some dating information found in variations in the 3 towers mark for those that know. Is there any help for someone who does not?

Ps Sorry if the photos are a bit large. Still have not worked that bit out yet.