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interesting key-mark

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:01 pm
by Theoderich
there is a citrus-spoon (ca. 1810-1830) with an interesting key-Hallmark
the makersmark looks like [GHN]

Re: interesting key-mark

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:01 pm
by oel
Hi Theoderich,


It is a Dutch tea spoon made in Leiden hence the key mark with year letter script letter L for 1794 or script P for 1797, for 2nd standard or "kleine keur" first mentioned in 1661. The year letter could be above, next and under the key.
The maker's mark reads GHN for: Gerardus Hendrikus Nieuwenhuyzen registered in Leiden from 1792-1818. He used GHN from 1792-1811 and N above a Poppy in a lozenge (French style) from 1812/1818. Gerardus Hendricus Nieuwenhuijzen died in Leiden February 3, in 1818, born in Leiden, 49 years old, residing in Mare wijk 6 nr 1199, zilversmid by profession.
See Leiden:

Best wishes,


Re: interesting key-mark

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:50 pm
by Theoderich
Hi Peter,
thanks for the quick answer.
I was hoping that it is a city in Germany, but the style for the spoon
looks like Netherlands or Nordrhein-Westfalen.
1794 or 1797 - the spoons are older than I had suspected.

Best Regards