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Help with Gorham button hook

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:24 pm
by modemgirlz
I do believe this is a Gorham button hook. The marks are so tiny that it's hard to make out. I can make out the anchor, lion walking right and I believe I can see the G. It does have steel stamped on the hook end. Would the handle be coin silver & date 1850 -1860? Does anyone know the pattern?
Thanks for any help and I am sorry I can't get better pictures of the tiny marks. ... es_015.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... es_020.jpg" onclick=";return false;

British Button Hook

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:46 am
by modemgirlz
Tom, Thank you for moving this to British sterling. I think the g with the other marks confused me to think this was Gorham. Sorry, I wasn't even thinking British. It's very hard to read the g so from what I have seen on the date marks In birmingham, England, the g on my hook is either early 1800's or early 19'00. Would this pattern, hook, and Steel stamped on the hook in be from 1800 or 1900? I wish I could read the maker's marks better on my hook, I was checking out your newly added Maker's Marks. Great job and ty for your time. I am sure this project takes many hours, I believe it will be time well spent! Thanks again, Kristina

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:28 am
by Granmaa
Hello Kristina,

This button hook is most certainly c.1900, probably 1906 if I understand your description. It's strange, but out the hundreds I've seen, I haven't encountered a button hook made before 1890.
I don't think anyone ever names button hook patterns, simply because there are so many different ones.
Is the maker's mark too rubbed to read? Post a picture of it anyway, and I'll give it a go. Adie & Lovekin made a lot, it might be them.


Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:15 pm
by modemgirlz
Hello Miles,
Thank you so much for your reply and the date of my button hook. I do believe the maker's marks are L & S (with the L almost rubbed off and the & completely rubbed off, if that is what it is.) Could maker's be Levi & Salamon? I will take a few more pictures to see if I can get you something that you can read. Thanks again Miles you have been most helpful.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:39 pm
by modemgirlz
I just wanted to let you know, that I tried taking more pictures of the Makers Marks, but the marks were just too worn and tiny to make out. I'm just so pleased to know all the information you gave me. Many thanks to you for your help!

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:05 pm
by Granmaa
No problem at all Kristina; you're almost certainly right with Levi & Salamon, I can't think of anyone else using L&S in this period.
