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Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:33 pm
by moonshine
Hello All. Looking for help with identifying this Maker's Mark. Seems to be PBL. I think the face Guarantee hallmark has an 8 and 5 in it. 8 inches long. Thank you in advance.



Re: Fork

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 1:58 pm
by Zilver2
The maker's mark belongs to the silversmith Pierre Benoit Lorillon, located at 181 rue Saint-Martin, Paris. He started his activity before the French Revolution and entered his first mark on 26 April 1788.
He continued his activity after the French Revolution and registered his sponsor's mark "a radiating sun over the letters PBL" in 1798, 1799,1809 and 1810.

Ref. : an ASCAS article by Robert Massart "Parisian Goldsmiths and Jewellery Houses of the 19th and the 20th Century".

Re: Fork

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:39 pm
by blakstone
Pierre Benoît Lorillon was born on 10 Jul 1757 in Villeblevin, Yonne, and died there on 17 Jan 1816. His business was continued by his son Pierre Cincinnatus Lorillon (ca. 1795-1865) until 1839, and thereafter by Henri Louis Chenaillier (d. 1859).

As an interesting side note, Chenaillier’s son, Henri Nicolas Chenaillier (1841-1903) married Marie Thédorine Tonnelier (1844-1927), who was not only the great-great grand-neice of Pierre Benoît Lorillon, but also the granddaughter of silversmith Théodore Tonnelier (1789-1841), their marriage thus joining three of the great 19th century French silversmithing families: the Lorillons, the Chenailliers and the Tonneliers.

Re: Fork

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:48 pm
by moonshine
Great information. Thank you both for your time and effort.