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Tasmanian Silver 1884

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:32 am
by Aguest
This pate knife has a portrait of a native Tasmanian person within a figural shape of the island of Tasmania itself ::: In my research I did find other examples of pate knives with the island of Tasmania on the end, but this is a deluxe example with a very fine portrait of a native Tasmanian person and beautiful bright-cut designs ::: The registry number is "6322," and I believe it corresponds to the first year of the British Registry number system which would be 1884 :::

Would this portrait be a representation of one of the last native Tasmanian people who was called "Queen Truganini" in common parlance? :::



Re: Tasmanian Silver 1884

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:33 am
by SteveDWollongong
Hi Aguest,

I think you are spot on with your attribution of the profile to Truganini. It is a very good likeness and she is the most famous Tasmanian Palawa in Australia's history.
