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Big French Soup spoon with makers mark L.Bouffet

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 1:55 pm
by Dendriet
Big French Soup spoon with makers mark L.Bouffet
Minerva 1st quality 950
Makers Mark L.Bouffet
I've been able to search a lot, but can not finish it all.
Enjoy your help in this




Re: Big French Soup spoon with makers mark L.Bouffet

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 9:00 am
by Dendriet

Looking at the Makers Mark, this says in my opinion something about the silversmith.
In this case, I think they are specialized in producing / manufacturing spoons.
I hope this will help further in the research.


Re: Big French Soup spoon with makers mark L.Bouffet

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 2:12 pm
by Dendriet

Annuaire et almanach du commerce, de l'industrie, de la magistrature et de l'administration
: ou almanach des 500,000 adresses de Paris, des départementes & des pays étrangers. 1862

Somme (Ville d´Amiens)

To be continued.........

Regards Dendriet

Re: Big French Soup spoon with makers mark L.Bouffet

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 7:23 am
by Dendriet

Journal général de l'imprimerie et de la librairie 1872


Now we found twice the confirmation of "Bouffet" - Fabrique de couverts (Cutlery Factory) in Amiens.
And now we know that he produced around 1862 and 1872

To be continued

Regards Dendriet

Re: Big French Soup spoon with makers mark L.Bouffet

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 7:54 am
by Dendriet

Assuming that Bouffet has worked in Amiens and has to be registered there.

And then now the check on the head of Minerva (symbols) right bottom where the six pointed star should stand, and the answer is correct.

As far as good, now it would be nice if someone could confirm this, with the further correct information of this person / company

Regards Dendriet

Re: Big French Soup spoon with makers mark L.Bouffet

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 8:19 am
by Dendriet

It would be nice if someone could confirm this, with the further correct information of Bouffet or company



Re: Big French Soup spoon with makers mark L.Bouffet

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 12:35 pm
by JayT
Hello Dendriet
Congratulations for all your research on this ladle. I agree the maker's mark is very cool. Other than that I don't have a contribution to make, but am quite sure you're on the right track in identifying the maker and dates of operation.

Re: Big French Soup spoon with makers mark L.Bouffet

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 5:21 am
by Dendriet
Hi JayT,

It's a time capsule
It is amazing that all this information from old books is now exactly in place.
The approval marks were far too small as you normally expect.
Therefore, I highly appreciate your response and confirmation.


Re: Big French Soup spoon with makers mark L.Bouffet

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 2:37 pm
by JayT
Yes, silver research can be frustrating at times, but in the end always rewarding.

Re: Big French Soup spoon with makers mark L.Bouffet

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 5:34 pm
by blakstone
After some rather obsessive searching in the Somme Civil Archives, I am able to provide the following:

Louis Gabélus Bouffet
Born: 8 Oct 1830, Bacouel-sur-Selle, Somme, son of Fuscien Bouffet and Clarisse Josephine Morel.
Married: 27 Dec 1850, Amiens, Somme, to Marie Catherine Beauvais
Died: 12 Dec 1884, age 54, at his residence, rue Lemaître 21, Amiens, Somme

He is identified as a silversmith on his marriage record and as retired on his death record. The declarants on his death record were his brother-in-law Georges Beauvais and cousin Jean Baptiste Beauvais, both aged fifty-six and both proprietors on rue Paris, numbers 47 and 115 respectively; one or both of them are almost certainly the Beauvais listed in the 1872 publication listed above and presumably his successor(s).

Re: Big French Soup spoon with makers mark L.Bouffet

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 7:13 am
by Dendriet
Hello Blackstone,
blakstone wrote:After some rather obsessive searching in the Somme Civil Archives, I am able to provide the following:.....
I thought I was the only one with that deviation, but I'm sure I'm in a good company.
It was a moment to search for a small thread that I could draw (Bouffet couverts)

Now France is not the smallest country.
After finding a city name, this was a moment to the next step

Eventually I received the confirmation in the Minerva head and the symbol (right below) six pointed star that I was in the right direction.
What a wonderful fact that this has now been given a name and address by your stamina.
Everything now falls like a puzzle piece.

Again, my highly appreciated thanks to Blackstone, JayT and, of course, Napoleon Bonaparte (Civil Archives) :)))
