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London Georgian silver porringer help identifying maker WC

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:51 am
by casscass111
I am struggling to identify the maker of this Georgian silver porringer and would really appreciate any help or ideas. I am not a silver specialist, but the marks seem to be for London, date marked for 1780. I think the maker's stamp is WC, although it is a little distorted so could be WO or WQ. I've also tried turning it upside down so it possibly reads OM, GM or CM but still can't get anywhere. The closest I get is a maker called William Cripps, but he seems to have died in the late 1860s, so don't think it is his! Also, the engraving on the front bears the date 1821 - I'm guessing this was engraved at a later date? Any help would be very welcome!


(admin photo edit)

Re: London Georgian silver porringer help identifying maker WC

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:19 am
by silvermakersmarks
I agree that this is a 1780 hallmark and I think that WC is the most likely set of initials. This would point to the maker being, probably, William Cattell. William Cripps actually died in 1767.


Re: London Georgian silver porringer help identifying maker WC

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:42 am
by casscass111
Hi Phil,

Thanks for the confirmation on the date and the advice about the maker. I've had a look at the mark for William Cattel which looks like a possible match, the only thing is that the way the W is formed is slightly different (there seems to be a line across the top of where the W meets in the middle, if that makes sense!) Were there sometimes slightly different marks for one maker over time?

Thanks again for your help, Cassie

Re: London Georgian silver porringer help identifying maker WC

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 3:27 pm
by silvermakersmarks
The slight difference is why I used the word "probably". Marks may very well have varied slightly if a new punch had to be made. In addition it appears from your picture that the mark on your porringer is overstamped on another mark which may have caused some distortion.