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Sign in challenge

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 11:21 am
by WarrenKundis
Wondering if anyone has the knowledge to assist with a sign in challenge I am having. Am able to sign in on my first generation iPad here as you see but can not no matter how many times I try to sign in on my HP laptop.

Do want to start posting images again which will also require me to upgrade my photobucket account to allow third party hosting. Am in full agreement that when someone comes to 925 asking for assistance, that person should allow the site to retain those images for future reference to other members.

please if you have the computer knowledge to assist do contact me. Am trying not to have to open a new account just to access the photo option.


Re: Sign in challenge

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 1:21 pm
by AG2012
This is the third PC I am using (two laptops). Saved user name and password on USB and entered them into new PC. For example, Chrome browser remembers user name and password and saves them automatically.
1.Click to open this web page
2.Insert your user name and password into required fields
4.Allow browser to remember password
There should be no problem

Re: Sign in challenge

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:01 am
by WarrenKundis
Thank you my friend,

Am signed in to both now, just need to upgrade Photobucket, purchase a new camera, and resolve some lighting issues here at my new appartment. See how some members are using a loop to shoot hallmarks, working on that technique until I can afford that camera.

Wishing you a very good week!