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Seville Spain Coral Snuff Box

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:50 pm
by legrandmogol
I just purchased this little snuff box. I could see in the pictures that it had hallmarks for the Town of Seville Spain. According to my resources, these hallmarks date from 18th - 19th century. I could not find anything on the maker though. The maker mark looks like ONT.A, I believe Garzia is the Seville assayer, the 10 is the silver purity and the other two marks are for the city. If anyone can shed additional information I would be thankful. Also the yellow in the pictures is just reflection from nearby lights.

Re: Seville Spain Coral Snuff Box

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 7:10 am
by Funkel
Estimado legrandmogol: Siento no poderle decir el nombre del platero, intentare con mas tiempo buscar entre mi documentación.
Le aclaro un poco las marcas de su caja:
NO8DO.- Criptograma compuesto de dos palabras, separadas por el dibujo de una madeja de hilo y cuya lectura es: "no-madeja-do". Expresión fonética de "No me ha dejado". El lema hace referencia al enfrentamiento que se produjo en el s. XIII entre el Rey Alfonso X El Sabio y su hijo Sancho, quien ante el descontento del pueblo por la gestión de su padre, se alzo en armas y logro ser reconocido como Rey, tras atraer a sus partidarios. Solo un territorio planto cara al nuevo monarca: Sevilla, donde Alfonso X El Sabio se había refugiado. Como muestra de su gratitud, concedió al Ayuntamiento que pusiera el lema con las silabas No Do y entre ellas una madeja.
TORRE.- Torre de la Giralda, monumento representativo de la ciudad de Sevilla.
GARCIA 10.- Ensayador de la ciudad de Sevilla durante el s. XIX. Su nombre completo José García Diez. 10 = diez en español.

Le adjunto una foto donde se pueden apreciar un poco mejor que los de su caja, aunque el platero no coincida.

Un saludo y siento no hablar su idioma y traducirlo con Google.

Dear legrandmogol: I am sorry I can not tell you the name of the silversmith, I will try with more time to search through my documentation.
I clarify a little the marks of your box:
NO8DO.- Cryptogram composed of two words, separated by the drawing of a skein of thread and whose reading is: "no-hank-do". Phonetic expression of "He has not left me". The motto refers to the confrontation that occurred in the s. XIII between King Alfonso X El Sabio and his son Sancho, who before the discontent of the people for the management of his father, rose up in arms and managed to be recognized as King, after attracting his supporters. Only a flat territory facing the new monarch: Seville, where Alfonso X El Sabio had taken refuge. As a sign of his gratitude, he conceded to the City Council that he put the motto with the syllables No Do and among them a skein.
TORRE.- Tower of the Giralda, representative monument of the city of Seville.
GARCIA 10.- Rehearser of the city of Seville during the s. XIX Your full name José García Diez. 10 = ten in Spanish.

Regards and I'm sorry I do not speak your language and translate it with Google

Re: Seville Spain Coral Snuff Box

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 5:35 pm
by legrandmogol
thank you for the information. I have a book that lists the assayer as late 18th / early 19th century but the book is entirely in Spanish so I cannot read more into it. The back story on the Seville mark was also greatly appreciated. I had no idea that is what some of the marks meant.