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Help identify this Silver Italian Frame please
Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:18 pm
by curlykid2
Can anyone read the signature? Also I believe the star symbol 336 FL means its from Florence? Any other info. you can decipher from markings? Thanks in advance for your help.
Re: Help identify this Silver Italian Frame please
Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 6:02 pm
by dognose
There is no 'FL' region for the purposes of precious metal marking in Italy. Your mark image is not clear, but I suspect it may be '336 FI', if that is the case, then your photoframe is the work of Paterna & Livi.
See: ... 336#p93383
The top is not solid silver as such, but a resin base covered with a layer of silver. To identify such pieces and so that they are not to be confused with solid silver items, as they do contain a full set of Italian marks, the Italian government required some extra marks to be struck. These extra marks are a 'R' within a square, this stands for 'Riempito' (filled), and also a set of figures that indicate the amount of silver applied, in grams (1÷2 g, 2÷3 g, 3÷5g, etc.). These are not exact weights, but must fit into range stated by each mark, in this case, between 10 and 13 grams are applied.
I've just noticed the third mark from the left, it is the trade mark of Paterna & Livi.
Re: Help identify this Silver Italian Frame please
Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 6:11 pm
by curlykid2
Thanks so very much!!
Re: Help identify this Silver Italian Frame please
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:49 am
by Italiansilver
anyway not plated
the marks are the ones of solid silver because a silver sheet is used
the indication of R is applied because you cannot weight the silver without destroy the object