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Olier & Caron Teaspoon Pattern Identification

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:16 pm
by silverly
This spoon has the first standard silver quality mark and I'm curious about the identity of the pattern.


Re: Olier & Caron Teaspoon Pattern Identification

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:15 pm
by JayT
This is a Louis XV style pattern. I don’t know the name.

Unlike US manufactureres in the nineteenth century, French makers did not make a vast array of patterns, and didn’t give them fanciful names. Usually they just called them by the period the pattern was meant to evoke. Thus every manufacturer had at least one Louis XV style pattern in their catalogue (the most popular), an Empire style pattern, Renaissance, etc., and called them that, sometimes with a number.

A reprint of O&C catalogue pages I have has two Louis XV style patterns - alas not this one - each called Louis XV and a number.

Sorry can’t be more help; maybe someone with a complete O&C catalogue can tell you more. Good luck in your ongoing research.

Re: Olier & Caron Teaspoon Pattern Identification

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:47 pm
by silverly
Thank you for your amazing insight. I don't think I'll look any further.


Re: Olier & Caron Teaspoon Pattern Identification

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:56 pm
by JayT
You’re welcome. Wouldn’t call what I have insight, just practice!

O&C were the successors of Henri Soufflot, keeping many of Soufflot’s patterns, so you might run across yours in a Soufflot catalogue someday.