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Austro-Hungarian Pest maker of miniatures.

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:54 pm
by SteveDWollongong
Good afternoon all,

I have just purchased this little miniature/doll house set because I've never seen one like it before. The various miniature solid silver tea sets and Dutch and Hanau furniture, not to mention the array of 20th C Italian miniatures are reasonably common in small quantities in Australia but this claret jug or liqueur decanter with goblets and tray are new to me.

The tray is the only piece hallmarked and I suspect that is due to the size and lack of any suitable places on the goblets and decanter. For reference the decanter is 60mm high.

The Austro-Hungarian small dog mark 1872 - 1922 with 800 fineness number 3 plus the town letter P are clearly visible....not quite so in the photo, so apologies for that.

I am hoping someone may be able to identify the maker. My interpretation of the mark is the letter T on top of the letter L...meaning TL, but am unsure.



As always, thanks for any help.

Re: Austro-Hungarian Pest maker of miniatures.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:31 am
by huszas76
The maker is: Láng Testvérek, Magyar Ékszerárúgyár. ( Ungarische Juwelenfabrik, Brüder Lang, Láng Brothers, )
In the Adress and Home directoring Láng Salamon and Láng Agoston mentioned from 1908.
By the way, this hallmark was walid untill 1937 in Hungary, after that time changed.
So most possibly this items is not Austro-Hungarian, just Hungarian.
Best regards!

Re: Austro-Hungarian Pest maker of miniatures.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:50 am
by dognose

Re: Austro-Hungarian Pest maker of miniatures.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:36 am
by SteveDWollongong
Thanks Krisztián for all the valuable info and thankyou to Trev for the link. I notice the link contains the same miniature goblets.
