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Latinus grossus ??

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:53 am
by amena
I found this cigarette case, without any mark, which has a large coat of arms engraved and filled with niello.

The first question is that I can not explain the motto
In Latin it could make sense "audax non ferox" or at most "audeas non ferox"
Is it possible that the engraver made such a gross mistake? Or is there another explanation that I have not considered?
The second question is obviously: someone knows who this coat of arms belongs to ?
The transversal lines that can be glimpsed are slightly corroded.
Thanks for the attention

Re: Latinus grossus ??

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 3:06 pm
by Traintime
Approximately getting "Valiant/Bold not Fierceness"...exacting forms of Latin aside.

Re: Latinus grossus ??

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 3:25 pm
by Traintime
Someone engaged in state diplomacy? [Or even wildly, custom for a Trekker ...To boldy go to alien planets and restrain the captain from beating on the inhabitants". The horse might represent Kirk's equestrian fascination! Hey, it's a Saturday.]