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3, Pineapple and n, German?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:35 pm
by Sprottem
I have found in my cupboard an old unpolished bowl with 2 handles and thought it was a stupid ashtray . Then I polished the little bowle and saw the hallmarks as mentioned above.... The cup comes from my grand parents who lived close to Hamburg. They were very traditional and therefore I believe it must be German? However I was searching through all sorts of encyclopedias and did not find a clue.....

First I thought 3 for Fürth and pineapple for a specific year but could not find anything on the n. Is n the artist? On some websites n looks like the year... Anyhow, I could not find any hint on the pineapple with the sun on top of it.

Does anybody know what that is?


Re: 3, Pineapple and n, German?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:22 pm
by oel
See Neresheimer & Söhne, Hanau pseudo marks Germany:

Best, Peter

Re: 3, Pineapple and n, German?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:42 pm
by Sprottem
Thank you very much; that explains the n which really look like Nerresheim. But do you know why it is hallmarked with the companies name but no indication of the silver grade. Since the company was founded after 1870 German hallmarks would always have moon and crown and silver standard going with it. But here is only the pineapple and a 3. What do the other two hallmarks mean?

Kind regard

Re: 3, Pineapple and n, German?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:51 pm
by oel