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"Baron 100" marked silverware - Unknown, Info Please.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 10:44 pm
by chucktheaggie

Here is a spoon from a silverware set I received from a family member. Spoons and forks only have a hallmark and "Baron 100" stamped on them. Knives have "100" on the handle and the blade says "Gottfr.Weyersberg sohne K. -G. Solingen Rostfrei". Can't find much info on them, was wondering if anyone had any knew anything about the silverware set. Lastly, would your guess be Silverplate or Sterling for the metal composition?
Thanks for all your time and consideration. Any info would help.



Re: "Baron 100" marked silverware - Unknown, Info Please.

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 1:53 am
by Bahner
Hello, Baron is a mark used by said Weyersberg company from Solingen, Germany. The pattern is plate, see here

for an explanation of the 100. Regards, Bahner

Re: "Baron 100" marked silverware - Unknown, Info Please.

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:55 am
by chucktheaggie
Thank you Bahner for your info. It is appreciated. Now, can't wait to start using the silverware ;)! Have a good day, take care.
- Chuck